Friday, November 16, 2012

S. L. Danielson and Nephylim's Steamy Young Adult Romantic Novel-- Upstaged: Opening Act

S. L. (Stephanie) Danielson is an author of m/m romantic fiction. Her newest work is Upstaged: Opening Act which will be coming November 16th. My co-author is Nephylim, a splendid storyteller in how own right.

What is the name of your latest book? 

Upstaged: Opening Act.  

And how did you come up with the title? 

I thought of it. It is about a band, and the main couple is always fighting and trying to outdo the other; it fit perfectly.

What is this book about? 

Generally about a group of friends in a band together, and also about a couple of couples (two main ones). Mostly is it about Erik and Asher, who are world apart, but find a way to make beautiful music together.

And what genre is this book in? 

It is young adult gay romantic fiction. Any erotic scenes fade when it gets too hot.

Who is/are the main characters? 

The main people are Erik Von Nordgren and Asher Berkley. 

And why did you choose them? 

I chose Erik because he’s like a lot of the bad boys I write; but wanted to do a musical guy. Asher Nephy chose because he is gothic and an emo, very much her style.

What is the coolest or best part about your book?  (Any Favorite scenes, the world-building etc…)

I’d say the best part about this book is the buildup of this relationship. It’s on and off a lot, and we also see a lot of interaction with their friends too (Billy and Vince notably).

Do you have a favorite character in the book?  If so, why? 

Beyond my Erik, I’d say it’s a tie between Billy and Vince… but Billy will capture my heart, always. He’s wise, funny, cute, and the best friend anyone could ask for. He’s been through a lot, but would give you the shirt off his back. So would Vince, for that matter. I love them both.

Is this book part of a series? If so, what can we expect in future books? 

Yes, it is part of a series, and you can expect loads and loads of both drama and new characters introduced in each book (at least one each). We are on book #9 right now and we look back to see how far they’ve grown and changed and are amazed!

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

Not a thing. We love it.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? 

I learned that Nephy and I write incredibly fast for one, and that we have a wonderful rapport with each other. We rarely argued about anything, except time or we were too tired to continue that night (lol)! But the best thing is that we had no holds barred. If we had an idea, we just did it, and even traded characters at times just to fill in what we felt they should say or do. It was truly glorious! We’d go off on tangents and whims and just did as our hearts desired.

Do you have a publisher?  And if so, why did you choose them?  

No, we are doing this independently by choice.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? 

William Maltese.

What books are you reading now? 

None at the moment, as my pleasure reading has ground to a temporary halt.

What are the current writing projects that you are working on? 

Beyond Upstaged, we are (Nephy and I) are working on another book about the dark fae, and plan to make that a series as well. We are also independently entered in the November Novel in a month contest. She has hers outlined, I have an idea, but have yet to start.

Do you write full time?  If not, do you hope to do so one day? 

No, though on the weekends is it over 8 hours/day.  I would love to, but have many hobbies I wish to pursue as well, so maybe not full time just yet.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

As soon as I could write I was writing stories and drawing as young as 5. I’ve always been writing.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Sometimes the title eludes me or how to end it.

Do you have any advice for other writers seeking to get published for the first time?

First, make sure your story follows a decent outline, and that you have ways to fill in the gaps or cut back if too wordy…but never give up on your story. I’ve had to rewrite books multiple times to get them how I want them.

Thanks Steph for Dropping By!

You can find out more about her work at:

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