Thursday, May 26, 2011

Come and Read the Magical Fantasy 'Songbird' by Colleen Helme

Scribal Love Welcomes Colleen Helme!

Colleen Helme is an author of Romantic Fantasy.  Her newest work Songbird is available from Mundania Press. 

What is the name of your latest book?  And how did you come up with the title?

Songbird is my first published book. The title of the book is the title of the main character who uses magic through her singing voice.

What is this book about?  And what genre is this book in?

Songbird is a romantic fantasy novel about a young woman who is captured by the king and used for her magical singing abilities. She will do anything to escape and when Bran, the ambassador from Braemar offers her the opportunity to leave, she can't turn it down. The only catch is, he wants something from her in return. 

Who is/are the main characters?  And why did you choose them?

Teya (pronounced Tay-a) is the main character as the Songbird. She has been in captivity for ten years, but has an amazing ability to persevere, even under difficult circumstances. I love the idea of magic coming through the medium of music and how it can influence feelings as well as be used as a weapon.

What is the coolest or best part about your book?  (Any Favorite scenes, the world-building etc..)

The coolest part of my book is the fact that Teya and Bran end up sharing a bond between them and how they can use it to help one another. They didn't intend to fall in love, but that is what happened. My favorite scene is close to the end, so I don't want to give it away, but every time I read it, it makes me cry!

Do you have a favorite character in the book?  If so, why?

I love them all!

Is this book part of a series?  If so? What can we expect in future books?  

No, although I have thought about writing one about Teya and Bran's great-great grand-daughter!

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

I would probably want to expand on Teya and Bran's relationship.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

I learned to keep writing, even when you're not sure what's going to happen. It's amazing how things come together when you do this.

Do you have a publisher?  And if so, why did you choose them?  

My publisher is Mundania Press and was so excited when they chose me! I have loved working with my editor and the art department has been fabulous!

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

I have read so many books, it's hard to just choose one. I have tried to learn something from them all.

What books are you reading now?  

Right now I am reading Fortune and Fate by Sharon Shinn. Also The Sorceress's Orc by Elaine Corvidae. I enjoy reading books with strong female characters.

What are the current writing projects that you are working on?

I am working on my fifth book, a sequel to Carrots, a contemporary fantasy. I also have plans for another romantic fantasy and have started on the rough draft.

Do you write full time?  If not, do you hope to do so one day?

I try to write at least four hours a day when I can.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

I have always loved to read, but in the fantasy genre, I was always disappointed that there wasn't enough romance. After a vivid dream one night, I came up with a great opening scene and decided to try my hand at writing. Several years later, and after a lot of hard work in learning the trade, I was excited to be offered a contract for my books. 

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Dialogue used to be hard for me, but I think I'm getting the hang of it now!

Do you have any advice for other writers seeking to get published for the first time?

Learn the craft! Show - don't tell. Don't be afraid to ask for a critique of your writing from someone who knows the craft. It can make the difference between getting published or not. It's okay to re-write - most of the time it comes out even better. Don't give up!

Thanks Colleen for Dropping by!  You can find her on the web at:


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